Security Onion2 Security Onion -> OWASP Zap XSS 등 보안규칙 적용[http_uri,http_client_body 옵션] local.rules 파일로 설정 후 rule-update 디렉터리 인덱싱 취약점 Alert TCP $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Directory Browsing vuln"; content:"index of /"; nocase; sid:202012181144; rev:1;) 원격 운영체제 명령어 URI 인젝션 취약점 Alert TCP $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Remote OS Command Injection URI vuln"; pcre:"/(cat|type|ls|head|chmod|dir|vi|timeout)\x20.*[\x2F\x5C]/Ui" sid:202012181145; rev:1;) 원격 운영체제 명령어 .. 2023. 12. 26. 침입탐지, 보안 모니터링, 로그 관리를 하는 Security Onion 설치 GitHub - Security-Onion-Solutions/securityonion: Security Onion is a free and open platform for threat hunting, enterprise secur Security Onion is a free and open platform for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes our own interfaces for alerting, dashboards, hunting, PCAP, and case m... 2023. 12. 26. 이전 1 다음